A new site I'm trying gives you rewards for taking short surveys about the TV shows you watched the day, or days, before. You select from a list what you watched and they'll ask you questions about the show and the commercials you might have seen during it. Get it wrong? no problem, but no points. Get it right? Score points that can be used for contests, auctions, or save them up to redeem as prizes such as gift cards. I'm into day 3 of trying it out and I gotta say I'm kinda hooked. Sure, I don't get all the questions right but I like that I can choose about what shows I watched, when, and what channel (normal broadcast, on cable, etc) it even includes movies played on Tv!
Wanna join? This one is by email invite only so either leave a comment (they are private because I don't "publish" them) with your email on this post. Or shoot me an email at disneybugs@gmail.com saying you want to get it on the tv watching rewards.
AS A REMINDER: my site is run ad-free because I'm all about not spending money. However, please note the big flashy box on the top right. It's NOT an ad. It is a poll for another newbie site I'm trying out. You take a few simple questions and win tickets/coins to enter for weekly and hourly drawings. You also earn cash to go to paypal.
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