Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10- MailBag Questions

I have received some great questions this week so I figure I should go ahead and answer them:

Why did your site change?
Change is good! Sometimes I just get bored with the color scheme, other times I have adjusted the site because I don't want it to look like a cheap "get rich quick" scam, I want it to look like the cheap "this is what I'm doing, you can to if you want" it is.
The latest change was to make the site more reader-friendly, letting people skip my babble (not that you'd want to miss my precious input) and get right to the good stuff using the top tabs.

Are your totals accurate or do you lie to get more refferals?
I guarantee everything on the site is 100% true to my knowledge. If I was going to lie I'd make up much better totals, believe me! This isn't my get-rich-quick plan, online earnings are neither quick nor making me rich. They just help stretch the budget and when I was first trying to make some extra money online I would have loved if someone had treaded the path a bit before me, giving me ome direction. Since I didn't find that person, I became that person, or I am trying to be. Also, I appreciate every time someone uses a refferal link- but not all the links are refferals. At least half the time I inform you from the goodness of my heart...aw!

How can I contact you?
No, I will not give you my personal cell phone! And don't laugh- I've been asked twice now and even once for my home address.

You can contact me by emailing me directly at Disneybugs@gmail.com, just make sure the subject line isn't something "spam sounding" or I may ignore it thinking you are a virus.
Also you can leave comments on each and any post within the blog, there is a small link at the end of each for comments that I will approve before they are published on the blog (to protect your privacy and keep the site clean).

Lastly, since many of you come from PinchingYourPennies.com (hi!) you can always PM, (private message) me using my username: SarahBug. If you aren't on pinchingyourpennies.com forums you are missing out!

I've downloaded the Swagbucks toolbar but I don't get any points for searches, why?
I get this one a lot, I should have answered it sooner. Whether you download the toolbar or you do swagbucks searches from their own page, getting rewarded for a search on swagbucks is completely random. It used to be a game that my brother-in-law would sneak onto my computer and do crazy searches to see how many, if any, swagbucks he could be rewarded for his sillyness. One time "The purpley pugs are really blue" rewarded him 50 swagbucks! I use my toolbar for every page I need to get to such as "facebook", "blogspot", "yahoo mail" besides the normal actual searches for sites I don't have an address for. Somedays I get a ton of searches rewarded, and sometimes I can go weeks without a single search swagbuck. the best advice I can say is just keep trying. Especially on Fridays- they give away more points more frequently on Friday!

Why do I get duplicate emails from InboxDollars/SendEarnings?
These sites are like clones of one another, they usually do send the same emails to you daily, but you will be credited on each site seperatly. If InboxDollars sends you an email about a new purse company you will get rewarded at InboxDollars for clicking on it. If SendEarnings sends you that same purse email you need to click on it again so SendEarnings will reward you. Get it twice? Read/Look at it twice, click it twice, get rewarded twice!

What is with swagbucks sending me all over the web?
(technically, I combined seven different questions into this one- multitasking!)
Swagbuck's "trusted surveys" will send you to another off-site location to complete a survey of a company working with swagbucks. If you complete these surveys fully swagbucks will reward you within 24 hours. If you have had any trouble not being rewarded you need to contact swagbucks techsupport.

Swagbucks special offers will also be rewarded if fully completed, within 3 days of completion. Make sure you fulfill the requirements- I once put a facebook game on my facebook for points but it wouldn't reward me until I played the game and reached level 12.

Gambit, Gwallet, and TrialPlay are sites that work with Swagbucks to bring you special offers and deals. I like to watch their videos that are sometimes available for 2 swagbucks each. Often their deals require you to buy something which I stay away from. I'm here to earn things for free!

How long will I be waiting for the closed site to open?
Your guess is as good as mine. But I will let you know as soon as I know something.

Why do you post so infrequently?
How many hours do you spend on your computer a day?
Somedays are just another day without much excitement to report. Other times I write amazing mind-blowing posts in my head but they just don't get typed out onto the computer. I am a teacher, a full time student, a housewife, and I also reserve the right to lazily sit on the couch in my pajamas and watch old reruns streaming on Netflix. So, as you can see I have a life away from the computer. Sitting at a computer for more than 45 minutes at a time makes my head hurt.

How long have you been online earning?
I started product testing when I was in my freshman year (2002) of college for fun. When I got married in December 2006 I went a little nuts trying to make money online. I was in a new state, new house, didn't know anybody, no job- I had a lot of time to make mistakes and find the gems out there in internet land.

Why isn't this or that link working?
A link isn't working? Thanks for letting me know! Its because I typed something wrong and I want to get it fixed so I'll get on that. I'm usually typing and petting a pug at the same time... often he even tries to type to.

I hope this cleared some things up. If it didn't refer to the "contact me" question!

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