Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Free Sani-Hands Wipes Sample from Walmart

Sign up HERE for a free sample from Walmart!

Expired Surveys aren't always so expired...

Did you know that not all surveys that you think are expired actually are? Companies put an experation date on email and online surveys so people don't procrastinate. Sometimes the quota is filled up much before they say a survey is expired, and the survey will tell you it is closed. But often surveys have a hard time reaching the exact number of their specific target.

What does this mean to you/me/us?

If you happen to be like me and sometimes ignore those survey emails and then dejunk your inbox in a mass deleting fury, you might be missing out on some good stuff. 75% of the time those expired goodies will be, in fact, expired. However, today I tried some just to see what would happen and I qualified for 6 surveys that expired back in February! So it never hurts to try.

Valued Opinions is a REALLY good one to try this out on.
To sign up go to: ValuedOpinions.com, I get no referral bonus for signups unfortunatly.

Valued Opinions will send you really interesting surveys that are pretty easy/quick and vary a lot in subject. Sometimes I have to watch movie trailers and score them, sometimes its commercials and ads. There have been some product testing opportunities with this company.

You earn and save points by taking surveys to earn:
$25 amazon gift card
$20 blockbuster card
$20 Macys giftcard
$20 Mariot gift card

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blog was password hacked! Back to normal now!

For over a month I couldn't get into the blog, seems somehow someone got the password (im guessing?) because my password sure as heck wasn't working. Maybe it was just a weird hiccup or big, as everything seems to be in place now.

I'll soon be updating Jan and Febs totals, and lookie here- we are HALF WAY through March now! Yikes! how's everyone doing with online earning and brining in the extra dough?