Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feb 10- First ever BLOG CONTEST!!!

(coming soon- get ready!)

I'm really loving the wonderful friendships I've made through this blog and knowing that it has actually helped some people put a little extra ka-ching into their purses! Selfishly, it helps me as well because sometimes I get bonuses from referrals and keeping the blog updated motivates me to keep going.

So onto the contest:
Warning: this is a completly selfish contest- but you do get something out of it!
You can win a $5 amazon giftcard!!!

How? Sign up for Swagbucks with my referral link if you haven't already *Here*
From Feb 14- Feb 28 2011 I will keep track of "referral bucks". These are the points you get each time you do a search. Swagbucks copies what you earn in a search and puts it into my "referral bucks". (Which is how I'm getting the giftcard for the contest). So you'll be going along in the contest doing what you would normally do at swagbucks- searches!
(this contest only counts searches but there are many ways to earn on swagbucks)

Who can enter? Anybody who signed up already under my referral link or does so before/during the contest.
What can you win? a $5 Amazon Gift Card
When? Feb 14-Feb 28 2011
Where? Swagbucks! Need a referral here it is: Click Here
Why? Because its fun and I'm using this as a "contest tester" to get the kinks out now before the bigger contests come (and their will be some bigger ones!)
1) sign up under my swagbucks referral link
2) to "enter" leave on comment on this posting
3) leave a comment on the official contest post (coming Feb 14)
I will post daily photos of the progress (names will be blurred out or replaced with nicknames) as seen on my swagbucks account
Winner announced 11:59 PM on Feb 28
Winner will be the Swagbucks member who earned the most through swagbucks searches

I hope this turns out fun, but it is just a test run so feedback always welcome.


  1. Count me in... I love Swagbucks ! Thanks for the referral link.

  2. Yippee! I love contests :)

    I certainly hope I am signed up under you, how do I tell?? I know I should be!

  3. You both are good to go right now! ("Anonymous" and "Phawx"
    We'll kick off Feb14th at 12:01 am

  4. Oh add me to your list! I am loving swagbucks :)
